- create or replace function get_tpl_mer(mer_id varchar2,
- busi_type_id number) return varchar2 is
- v_result varchar2(100);
- cursor v_job is
- select g.group_code
- from info_group g
- start with g.group_code in
- (select info_mer_addi.belong_group_code
- from info_mer_addi
- where info_mer_addi.mchnt_id = mer_id)
- connect by prior g.group_code = g.par_group_code;
- v_row v_job%rowtype;
- v_count number;
- begin
- select its.tpl_name
- into v_result
- from info_tpl_stmt its
- where its.tpl_id in (select itr.tpl_id
- from info_tpl_rel itr
- where itr.rec_stat = 0
- and itr.rel_id = mer_id)
- and its.tpl_type = 1
- and its.busi_type_id = busi_type_id
- and rownum = 1;
- return v_result;
- Exception
- when others then
- Dbms_Output.put_line(sqlerrm);
- v_result := '';
- for v_row in v_job loop
- select count(0)
- into v_count
- from info_tpl_stmt its
- where its.tpl_id in
- (select itr.tpl_id
- from info_tpl_rel itr
- where itr.rec_stat = 0
- and itr.rel_id = v_row.group_code)
- and its.tpl_type = 2
- and its.busi_type_id = busi_type_id;
- if v_count > 0 then
- select its.tpl_name
- into v_result
- from info_tpl_stmt its
- where its.tpl_id in
- (select itr.tpl_id
- from info_tpl_rel itr
- where itr.rec_stat = 0
- and itr.rel_id = v_row.group_code)
- and its.tpl_type = 2
- and its.busi_type_id = busi_type_id;
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return v_result;
- end get_tpl_mer;